Köök: Euroopa | Serveering: 2 | Tüüp: Hommikusöök

Autor: Annika Urm    |    Aeg: 14.01.2019    |     Golden Stevia


500 ml (2 klaasi) piima või vett (mina kasutasin vett)
2 spl mannat (nisu)
3 muna, eraldatud
8 gr = 1 spl Golden Stevia
1/4 spl soola


  1. Kuumuta piim või vesi keemiseni. Lisa Golden Stevia ja sool.
  2. Sprinkle in semolina, whisking vigorously to avoid lumps. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes, until semolina has softened and expanded and the porridge thickened a little (it’ll still be very runny).
  3. Mix egg yolks (yellow) into a paste, mix and pour the egg yolk mixture into the porridge. Simmer on a very low heat until the porridge thickens, but do not let it boil!
  4. Whisk the egg whites until semi-hard peaks form, then gently fold in the egg whites, until combined.
  5. Serve the light and fluffy pudding with cinnamon and Golden Stevia or frozen fruits or cranberry fruit soup.